Oh Dear...

So, we read Macbeth by Shakespeare in Brit-Lit a few weeks ago, we were supposed to write a short response (teacher had given us prompts to use) and turn it in on the 28th of January...well, I am a procrastinator, and I work better under pressure, so I hadn't even thought about starting until a couple days before it was due...and then I got seriously sick, and couldn't work on it. So, thankfully, my teacher is very understanding about working better under pressure (she says she does the same thing), and since I had got sick, she gave me an extra week and a half. I'm supposed to send it in today. I haven't started. I AM SO STUPID. Thank goodness I work good under pressure, but seriously...I wish I had at least a little more time! Hopefully I can concentrate and get it done, and it will be amazing ;). And now off I go to work on my Macbeth assignment! I'm glad I like Shakespeare :P.


  1. Ooo...I read Macbeth for a writing/literature class last year. I had to write an essay on Lady Macbeth and why she was evil...it didn't turn out too well.



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