This currently insanely popular acronym for "You Only Live Once" is so very true. But contrary to what most think when someone says something like this (as it is made to imply that you should go and party while you can) I want to take a different perspective. You only live once. Think about it. Let it sink in. You only live once. You've got one shot at this...ONE. God isn't going to give you a second chance at life once you die. Make your decisions carefully, you can't correct them later; you only live once. You don't know how much time you're going to have on this earth. You could die today. You could die tomorrow. You don't know, and you only live once. You could leave this earth at any moment. So, what are you going to do with your life? Party? Are you going to spend it pretending to be something you're not, hiding behind a mask? Will anyone remember you for anything you did, or will you fade away like so many others? You only live once, so everything you do, what does it mean? If you only live once, do you want to spend that time not being yourself, hiding behind a fake identity? Do you want to spend it in a way that effects only a few select people, and them in an insignificant way? God has a plan for your life, this life that you only live once. His plan for you will be fulfilling, your one life will be used in ways only God can see.


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