
"Oh, it's delightful to have ambitions. I'm so glad to have such a lot. And there never seems to be any end to them-- that's the best of it. Just as soon as you attain to one ambition, you see another one glittering up higher still. It does make life so interesting."
~Anne Shirley

Well. I'm inspired.
I've spent the majority of the evening reading over other blogs, and realizing how monstrously I neglect my own! I mean, I might post once a month...maybe. Or several times in one month, and then none for a few months in a row.
So, now, I am going to try something. I am going to write a new post, every. single. day.
And as I read that, I think to myself "Who am I kidding? I'll never keep up on it."
I know myself pretty well (if I do so say myself!) and I know that I'm a procrastinating perfectionist. I want what I write to be exactly how I want it to be, before I post it. But it never turns out that way. Every time I post something, I always feel like there's something more I could change, that could be better. And so I procrastinate horribly, trying to perfect an idea before I start writing about it, and then when I do start writing about it, I procrastinate finishing the post because I can't seem to make it perfect (I have 4 current drafts for posts on this blog... *sigh*).
What I'm saying is, it's gonna be hard. I'm gonna want to make it perfect, and wonderful, and inspiring...and it's not going to be. But if I want to become a better writer (which I do!), then I need to up my game. And the thing is, I actually do write quite a bit every day. I journal -- a lot.
Don't worry, I'm not gonna start journaling on my blog instead of my fast-filling notebook! No, that would just be too strange. I mean, I write stuff in there that I am ashamed of reading myself! I'm so immature sometimes.
Anyways, my point is, I know I *can* write every day. When I write in my journal, I don't worry so much about what people are going to think, or if my grammar is at least tolerable (I love books, and writing, and reading -- I don't particularly like grammar), or if my spelling is correct, or if I'm using the correct forms of then/than, to/too, effect/affect, etc, etc. So, I'm sorry if this is going to be painful to read, but I'm not gonna be too careful about my grammar on my daily posts. I'm not going to go out my way to use atrocious grammar, but I'm not going to go out my way to make it very good either.

Okay, really? Every day????
What on earth could've possessed that girl to do such a thing?!
There are so many objections rising up in my mind right now.

You're already busy enough without adding this to your hectic life.

What about when you're away from home?

What about if you're dead-beat tired, and just don't want to write? (Not want to write? Ha. No, even when I'm tired, I still write. I can't help it. It's like breathing for me).

No one will ever want to read through all your posts.


Yeah, there's a lot of reasons why I shouldn't do it. I'm gonna try anyway.
Granted, I know I'll fail. The point is, I'm gonna try!
I have a goal, and I'm gonna try. Try, being the key word here. I highly doubt I'll make it a week without missing a day. But even if I succeed in writing just a couple days a weeks, that'll be a great improvement!

Now, if you're wondering what possibly caused me to come up with this idea, well, it wasn't my idea. I came across this blog (click "blog" and it'll open it in a new tab) and it was so beautiful, I couldn't help but steal the idea.

Now, I'm not sure that I'll do objects only, I'll probably do ideas, and words, and songs, and all sorts of stuff. But that's where the idea came from.
I read somewhere once that all great writers are thieves. Maybe one day I'll be a great writer, I'm stealing already!

Well, this concludes my first post in my new adventure... Until tomorrow folks!


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